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Hagai embodies the log concept of "eco log" - maximum recycling and use of all raw materials. In the process of carving, Dani removes the stem bark and Hagai is a tool for a flower pot made from those peels. Its natural appearance makes people think that it is a hollow stem and not a paste of different pieces.

Family Gossip ......

The use of flower pots has made a great contribution to the gardening industry, since the ability to move plants from one environment to another is given. Egyptians were among the first to use pots for this purpose. The Romans were the first to move potted plants to a protected environment during cold weather. Dani has many houseplants, both in the house and in the yard, and Hagai is happy to serve as a warm home for each of them - plus a plate at the bottom.


  • ID

    First name: Hagai

    Family Relationship: Tamarix

    Diameter: 27 cm

    Height: 25 cm

    SKU: 11605

    Price: 130 USD

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