The serving platter is made of a giant Meliaceae tree that collapsed one clear day without explanation. As Dani began working on the impressive trunk, textures and shapes were revealed that tell a complete and fascinating story about the history of the tree - a history map full of hues. The shape of the trunk allowed the creation of a surface with a special and a-symmetrical flow.
Family Gossip ......
The family banana cake on Udi is one of Dani's favorite cakes. Dani's couple managed to convince the housemates that it was a delicious, healthy cake and even a slice ...
תעודת זהות
שם פרטי: אודי
שייכות משפחתית: אזדרכת
אורך: 42 ס"מ
רוחב: 27 ס"מ
עובי: 1.5 ס"מ
מק"ט: 11461